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This information was automatically generated from data provided by The Burke: University of Washington. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Quartzite utilized flake. One side-notched projectile point found 10/26/2009 on south side of UW Botany Greenhouse just above Burke-Gilman Trail on UW Property. Found by Ellen Jane Van Wyk, a Greenhouse volunteer and UW freshman, who was helping dig soil to prepare for garden space. She gave the point to the Greenhouse Manager, Doug Ewing, who then contacted the Burke Museum Archaeology Dept. Following this discovery, Archaeology Staff (Lisbeth Louderback, Laura Phillips, and Stephanie Jolivette) and Anthropology Graduate Student, Jacob Fisher, dug three test pits to assess possible site integrity. They recovered two additional artifacts -- chipped quartzite, which are also part of this accession. They also determined the location as a site, and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation assigned it Site #45-KI-957.

Geographical Search Terms

North America Northwest Coast Pacific Northwest Puget Sound Washington State Western United States Western Washington King County

Collection Owner

Owned by Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture

Credit Line

Burke Museum Field Expedition

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